Sunday, July 23, 2006



A blast of wind shakes the hotel.
Dash to the window, no it is not Saint Nick, but a dust storm kicks in.

An hour later it vanishes and all appears as normal.

But wait, a distant rumble of thunder is heard, now much louder.
Dark clouds are seen hanging over a mountain in the distance.
Quick, dash down lunch, gather stuff and find that source.
40 km later in the depths of Wadi Al-Baih there is the sound of rushing water.
The rain gods have delivered the first deluge of the winter season, nigh eight months since the last.
A small Mitsubishi Lancer struggles to follow the mighty SUVs in the dash up the canyon.
But succeeds while passing the stalled RAV4.

My car has four wheels, I can drive, so therefore it must be a "four wheel drive".
Apologies again to the car rental agency.
The road suddenly becomes a shallow river and the ditch a torrent.

Stop, explore, marvel at the ancient water worn rocks.

The goat stranded on high, painfully bleating.

Drift back to civilization, of sorts, and enjoy the sunset.

Another weekend in sand land.
Not much on TV.


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