Sunday, June 10, 2007

Not usually political ...

The demonstrators protesting the G* summit have a right to free speech and freedom of expression in our Western world. And they should appreciate it.

However, they should be grateful the the G8 leaders are actually meeting each other and talking together. We usually know that people talking are not fighting, and people talking might also agree to solutions.

Better for all of us whether you agree or not.

On the other hand, the protestors should also study physics and not put small boats in front of large poorly manouverable object. You get what you deserve when you are stupid.
(three Greenpeacer's injured, no fatalities)

Wadi Ghalilah

After the storm blew over we had a unique day for this time of year. Light clouds, no humidity, and not so hot. Time to put the top down and do the last run before summer.

This wadi is the most rugged for us to run, and resembles moonscape at times.
A teeth jarring ride and a rough hike at the end.

As always there are the ever present goats (SLS friends), climbing sure-footed everywhere.

The wadi is well hidden and requires some knowledge of the area to find this special branch.

We arrive still intact.

The cliffs and the solitude at the end are its own reward. And no phone coverage.
Silence except for nature and the rocks.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Cyclone Gonu

We have just survived the worst storm in recorded history hitting the Oman coast and continuing up to Iran. Winds over 200 km/h (Google it).

The sea has gone from bathtub calm two weeks ago at Snoopy Island (see post below), to waves running up to 5 meters.

The mid-afternoon sun is obscured by the sand and the dust. Humidity is over 80%. Here on the other side of the mountains we had unique swirling winds and near zero sandstorm conditions.

But at the end of the day the dust and humidity clears and the mountains are clear for now.

And the boys are off running ........ waste no time for the weekend.