Tuesday, April 22, 2008

And this morning ....

Roundabouts are challenging to many people here. However staying in your correct lane is important, and watching the signage.
Climbing the inner circle to get a better view of the sign is not recommended.


Blogger Ruth said...

We are having lots of roundabouts built in this region but they are so small and tight that trucks have already overturned in them this winter. And people have difficulty with the concept. Your roundabout looks generously sized.

2008-04-22, 3:34 p.m.  
Blogger Sand Land Dad said...

This is a large one in a future residential area.
The problem is people drive very fast, sand is slippery, and driver training does not include physics concepts.

2008-04-22, 6:08 p.m.  
Blogger nzm said...

Or that he/she got driven off the road by someone trying to cut into his/her lane.

2008-04-23, 9:07 a.m.  
Blogger Sand Land Dad said...

This is in Abu Dhabi, Khalifa City.
There is nothing here yet except a few houses and very little traffic.
My guess is either snoozing, texting or talking.
Plus we tend to take these roundabouts at 80 km too.

2008-04-23, 2:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is illegal or talk on the phone without a headset here... or text and drive for that matter. Not that laws stop people, especially when the laws are not enforced.

Didn't know sand was slippery...

2008-04-24, 12:11 a.m.  

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